TPS Traffic and Parking Systems Pty Ltd supplies and installs vehicle counting and detection systems, including but not limited to the patented infra red and RF technology developed by Car Parking Technologies.
As organisations grapple with increasing demand on available parking from consumers and retailers alike, detailed knowledge of parking behavior has become paramount. Parking operators and regulatory authorities recognise the practical and financial benefits of implementing parking solutions optimised for their specific operating environments.
TPS can supply and install temporary or permanent parking sensors for your car park. TPS can also conduct number plate recognition surveys using a mobile vehicle in car parks where there are a high number of bays to be counted or just a snap shot of the parking demands is needed.
If knowledge is power, you need to turn data into knowledge. What data are we talking about?

- What are your peak times?
- What is your parking flows?
- How many customers visit your facility?
- When do they come?
- How long do they stay?
- When do they leave?
- Where do they park?
- How many abuse the privledge?
- How effective is your enforcement?
- A portable and easily deployed system for tracking parking behavior and compliance
- Works in all weathers, 24/7 if required
- Accurate real time parking surveys and easily understood graphical reports
- The data is available for your own custom analysis
- Enhances and facilitates enforcement even during the evaluation period
- Supports fully informed planning and decision making via SmartRep
- Eliminates guesswork
- No impact on existing IT infrastructure
- Your data remains your property exclusively