What is the Need for Space Management in Higher Education?
Space & Facilities Management is a core part of every university or higher education facility. Without proper planning and management of space within a university, it can lead to billions of dollars in wastage. A proper Space Management Solution will:
- Save thousands in energy expenditure (lighting, cooling, etc.)
- Save million in unnecessary space expenditure
- Minimise over-usage of certain facilities ensuring optimal teaching space conditions for staff and students
Space management solutions start by empowering you with an accurate grasp of space utilisation within the university, ensuring you can make informed decisions on future construction projects. It also allows for the implementation of energy saving technology where necessary. These factors will help you save billions over the long run.
Download TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines
Tracking & Reporting is key to Space Management
Unfortunately, most education facilities management procedures are out of date, leading to wasted resources. If your reports do not the following functionality, it likely requires an upgrade:
- Static reports - unable to change grouping
- Labour intensive data gathering
- Only cover certain parts of the year
- Doesn’t automatically correlate with changing timetables
- Disruptive to teaching and learning
Case Study: University of Technology Sydney - University Space Management
In October 2011, Bryce Hutchinson, Senior Building Information Officer, from the Facilities Management Operations department of the University of Technology in Sydney approached TPS with a proposal to use people counters to automate reports of space utilisation/room usage in the University.
This led to a partnership between TPS Group and The University of Technology Sydney, which resulted in:
- Real-time data gathering to highlight under or over utilisation of spaces
- Data to inform future space requirements in campus developments, avoiding unnecessary spending
- Drastically reduce energy consumption with automatic A/C and Lighting, based on room utilisation.
University Space Management Solutions
TPS Space Management Solutions are innovative, and can be adapted to suit your particular needs.
Valuable information our solution can provide includes:
- Frequency/Occupancy/Utilisation (FOU) metrics for lecture theatres
- Time wastage in particular rooms
- Usage trends over a term or semester in student attendance
- TIme of day that are busiest
We measure these using:
- TPS Thermal Room Counting Sensors
- TPS Wireless Desk Sensors
- TPS Room/Workspace Utilisation Software
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