TPS Supplies and Installs the TagMaster range of long range Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology offering high performance products for demanding applications. TagMaster manufactures 3 product lines. The LR-series, HD-series.
Long range RFID readers are ideal for hands free commercial and residential vehicle access, Long range readers can easily be integrated with existing access control systems.
Readers and Tags are the two components of the system, using them with the rest of our access control products makes it really easy to only let whom you want in and out of a property. All you need to do is equip the car with an RFID Tag and the RFID Reader can let them in.
Long range readers have also been used by our customers to track vehicle movement and identification of equipment such as containers or storage bins.
co RFID Readers and Tags are not suitable for pedestrian use such as inside a building, TPS Offers Proximity Cards and Readers for that.

125100 ScriptTag Classic
The 125100 ScriptTag Classic is a read-write 2.45 GHz RFID-tag that can be programmed via a Reader unit using the RF interface.
Product Sheet
125500 MarkTag Classic
The MarkTag Classic is a read-only 2.45 GHz RFID-tag. The S1255 is the standard choice of ID-tag in AVI applications that require hands-free identification.
Product Sheet
135100 ScriptTag Outdoor
The 135100 ScriptTag Outdoor is a read-write 2.45 GHz RFID-tag that can be programmed via a Reader unit using the RF interface. This ID-tag is suitable for mounting outside.
Product Sheet
135500 MarkTag Outdoor
The 135500 MarkTag Outdoor is a read-only 2.45 GHz RFID-tag suitable for mounting outside.
Product Sheet
128010 MarkTag MaX tpe
The MarkTag MaX tpe is designed for permanent windscreen attachment.
Product Sheet
124200 MarkTag MeM duo
The MarkTag MeM duo is a read-only 2.45 GHz RFID-tag for both long-range and short-range identification. The MeM duo is equipped with an external cavity for proximity standard coils.
Product Sheet
Windshield ID-tag EPC Gen2
221000 Windshield ID-tag (SecureMarkIDTM)
An adhesive R/O ID-tag for permanent windshield attachment, supports SecureMarkIDTM and Barcode 128C marked. Read range up to 5 meters.

ISO Card ID-tag EPC Gen2
225000 ISO Card ID-tag (SecureMarkIDTM)
A credit card sized R/O ID-tag that supports SecureMarkIDTM and Barcode 128C marked. Read range up to 4 meters.