Reporting Software

TPS's Cloud Based Reporting Software brings all of your sales data and combines it with the data from your people counting systems, and Workplace Utilisation Sensors. The TPS cloud based people counting reporting tool can give you detailed visitor trends, sales conversion ratios and many other sales vs customer analysis of your business.

Enable restricted access to individual store managers so that they can monitor their store’s performance on a regular basis. Generate user specific reports via the web portal, do away with laborious spreadsheet analysis of sales and visitor trends. This is all made easy through the TPS Cloud Based Reporting Systems.

People counter Sales Benchmarking

Sales Benchmarking

You can use The Cloud based reporting software to identify high performing sites and determine the reasons for their success. Track how the introduction of new product lines or services affect the footfall, when are conversion rates at their highest and when are visitor numbers affecting the sales conversion ratio.

People counter Productivity

Productivity Management

With TPS's Cloud based reporting Software you can advise site managers on effective staffing levels at time of varying occupancy – improve customer service and reduce staff costs. Assess daily / weekly / monthly and annual trends in retail visitor numbers, this is all using the software in combination with your own data and our Workspace Utilisation Sensors

People counter Marketing

Marketing Strategies

Using all the information provided from our cloud based reporting systems, Immediately identify the impact of any marketing activities by the number of people entering sites in each region, and adapt advertising spends accordingly

Key Features

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