Space Management for Business & Universities
TPS Traffic and Parking Systems supplies and installs Space Utilisation and Space Auditing Software for Universities and businesses seeking to make improvements on the use of space in their lecture rooms and commercial space.
TPS Traffic and Parking Systems Pty Ltd have developed the world's first Space Auditing System with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The system integrates data from the University's Syllabus Plus timetabling system and our highly accurate people counting sensors to report on room usage. This was done in compliance with guidelines set out by the Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA).
We have further developed this system to integrate the data collected by our people counting sensors with the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems to provide real time management and reduction of power use in all rooms fitted with our space utilisation system. Our University customers have achieved a substantial reduction in energy use for these spaces.
What are TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines?
When it comes to space management, TEFMA Guidelines (Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association) are considered the gold standard. TEFMA is a professional body representing facilities managers in educational institutions across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific region.
Download TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines
The TEFMA Guidelines are a set of space planning and management practices. They are used by universities all over Australia as a basis for their own space planning policies. Regarding room audits, there are various factors to consider, including University people counting, and they are an important component of determining Space Utilisation Rates.
People Counting Solutions in Universities
In order to manage space effectively, universities need to have a clear understanding of how their space is being used. This information can be difficult to gather as it requires tracking the movements of large numbers of people throughout the day.
People counting solutions are one way to collect this data. These solutions use thermal sensors and desk occupancy sensors to track the movement of people and provide information to understand how space is being used. This data can then be used to identify underutilised areas and make changes to how space is allocated.
There are many different types of people counting solutions available. University administrators should consider all of the options before deciding which type of solution is best for their needs. Among the most helpful tools are thermal counting sensors and desk monitoring sensors.
Desk Monitoring Sensors
TPS Traffic and Parking Systems supplies and installs Workspace Utilisation Sensors and Workspace Monitoring Systems for companies seeking to make improvements on the use of space in their commercial premises, this can easily be combined with our other people counting systems such as our Pedestrian Counting Sensors and our Reporting Software
Using wireless desk sensors and thermal people counting sensors, our Workspace Utilisation system is able to log the period that a desk or workspace has detected occupancy. The desk occupancy data is used to determine the Workspace efficiency and to allow organisations to make decisions on reductions in floor area needed in new office developments or existing workspaces.

Our Room Utilisation System is also integrable with a number of room scheduling platforms used by Universities around Australia. This knowledge of the utilisation of rooms booked by lecturers allows Universities to manage their room usage and to ensure that rooms are not being underutilised by lecturers overbooking space.
By making sure that lecturers are not overbooking rooms, or in business situations, that conference rooms and offices are not being overbooked, large amounts of energy can be saved. Additionally, further energy is saved by tracking where most people are by combining Workspace utilisation sensors with other TPS People Counting Systems, such as desk sensors.
TPS Wireless Desk sensors are mounted on the underside of a desk, and connect wirelessly to the Desk Sensor Receiver which is powered by POE, communicating back to the server with TPS Room Occupancy Optimisation Software installed.
The TPS Wireless Desk Sensors are powered with a long life Lithium battery making deployment for long term studies possible.
UTS Space Management Case Study
Our case study, together with the University of Technology of Sydney, has revealed several factors in terms of space management in Universities.
Back in 2011, room usage monitoring was done by visiting all rooms and counting people during each hour of the day for more than a week. Naturally, this wasn't an efficient method for various reasons. The data collected and its conclusion was the frequency, occupancy, and utilisation of room. A collaboration between the UTS and TPS Group used an automated people counting system that measured these three variables, with the goal of informing timetabling, new space development projects, as well as energy consumption.
This new phase was called OTOVAC (Occupancy and Timetable Optimised Ventilation and Aircon Control) backed up by BACnet in order to communicate with the controllers and signal demand instead of manually and physically relaying it.
This system has allowed the UTS to gather real-time data regarding space utilisation, no-shows, early finishes, and utilisation. In addition, the University could monitor wasted bookings, track attendance, and massively reduce energy consumption by turning off the air-conditioning automatically.
In total, this project saved the University $5 million, which, needless to say, is a significant amount.
Read UTS Space Management Case Study HereSpace Management for Businesses & Universities
TPS Traffic and Parking Systems supplies and installs Space Utilisation and Space Auditing Software for Universities and organisations seeking to make improvements on the use of space in their lecture rooms and commercial space.

TPS Traffic and Parking Systems Pty Ltd has developed a world first Space Auditing System with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The system integrates data from the University's Sylabus Plus timetabling system and our highly accurate people counting sensors to report on room usage based on the TEFMA standards and terminology.
We have further developed this system to integrate the data collected by our people counting sensors with the Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to provide real time management and reduction of power use in all rooms fitted with our space utilisation system. Our University customers have achieved substantial reduction in energy use for these spaces.
University People Counting Solutions

Numerous universities are now considering people counting solutions to help with a variety of tasks. The most popular solution is the head counting solution, which uses thermal imaging to detect the number of people in a room.
For example, if a school knows that there are a certain number of students in a classroom, it can plan accordingly for lights, heating, or air-conditioning to turn on or off automatically, reducing costs over the long term.
The TPS V04 Thermal Counter Sensor is the right solution to count people entering and exiting premises in universities, as thermal sensors are among the most accurate detectors. This information can be useful in several ways, such as understanding students' traffic patterns and optimising staffing levels.